MBecker Engineering

Highway Section - Switzerland - 2020-2033

Procurement, with option of Overall Project Management


Construction work for the entire highway section have started already at the Western section of the highway lining. The conversion of a tunnel section into a highway tunnel is in full swing. Geological difficulties had led to uplifting of the roadway in the tunnel section by up to 8 cm, which was clearly noticeable when driving through. With the installation of an invert arch, the existing lining to the ring is closed, which means that this damage is now being rehabilitated and new heave of the carriageway prevented.

The planning envisages that the new freeway section will be located in the southeastern Region of Switzerland. The national road is located in a nature reserve of national importance and is therefore planned to be mainly underground. The investor’s intention is to put the freeway section into operation by 2033.


Federal office for national roads, Switzerland


The preliminary project is characterized by geological and environmental conditions and regulations. The processing of the tender procedure is carried out in French, which was translated into German language by Michael Becker and provided with the appropriate technical terms.

My role/position in the project

Senior Civil Engineer, responsible for:

Time duration project work
